If you’re reading this, you likely already know that food is medicine and what we put in our mouths can either contribute to health or disease. Perhaps you have already adhered to tedious elimination diets, or even gone through testing to find potential allergies or sensitivities. Then why are you still struggling with frustrating symptoms such as bloating, digestive discomfort, constipation or diarrhea, heartburn, or even fatigue, weight gain, and/or skin issues?
The body is brilliantly designed to heal itself when given the proper conditions, but sometimes, even with the best of intentions (and diet changes), we can still struggle with symptoms when the underlying cause(s) aren’t addressed. What I have observed with patients is that their symptoms often decrease or resolve completely when they find and avoid their food intolerances.
What are Food Intolerances?
Food intolerances are a non-allergic, non-immune response to specific foods. Intolerances involve an enzymatic deficiency that prevents you from properly digesting, metabolizing, and absorbing certain food groups or combinations of foods. Since this evaluation is based on genetic enzymatic deficiencies, the results do not change or need to be re-evaluated, unlike food sensitivity panels. Results also do not fluctuate based on the quantity of a specific food that you are eating, or if you are on a steroid medication such as prednisone, whereas sensitivity panels can be skewed with these variables.

What is a Food Intolerance Evaluation?
The food intolerance evaluation requires only a few drops of blood (from the ear lobe or fingertip) for the bioenergetic electrodermal biofeedback process to be completed. Since this evaluation doesn’t require a traditional venous blood draw or skin prick test, it’s easy to get a sample for all ages, and can even be uneventful and nearly painless for people with a fear of needles. It’s another topic for another day, but these tests provide such valuable data. We can even learn about ways our blood types can influence our diets.
Food Intolerance vs. Food Allergies and Sensitivities
Allergies and sensitivities are based on immediate or delayed immune reactions triggered by specific foods. Consuming food allergies such as peanuts or shellfish can be life-threatening. When you eat your specific food intolerances, a toxemic reaction occurs, which is the equivalent of garbage rotting in your intestines. This toxemia contributes to digestive concerns, as well as fatigue, weight gain, high blood pressure, skin concerns, and mood issues, in addition to negatively affecting our overall health by increasing our systemic inflammation.
Food Intolerance and a “Leaky Gut”
In my clinical experience, when patients have allergies or multiple food sensitivities, they also have severe intestinal hyperpermeability or “leaky gut” and are consuming their food intolerances unknowingly. We can see this correlation through a urinary indican test. When patients avoid their intolerances, their “leaky gut” and food sensitivities can resolve since their digestive tract is healthier and less reactive or inflamed, leaving them less susceptible to developing future food sensitivities or allergies. Since dietary intolerances are genetic, they do not change or resolve.

There is Hope for Healing from Within
When you are ready to heal from within and find out your food intolerances, reach out and we will be happy to help offer hope and guidance.